Appendix G: Supplemental Information
The features and other changes made to the IRMA System Tablet v1.2.0 are documented in this
supplemental appendix.
G.1 EDTA Warning
Samples collected in EDTA anticoagulant may not be used with the IRMA cartridge. EDTA will cause a clinically significant error
in sodium, potassium and hematocrit results and may affect other chemistry tests.
G.2 Email Feature
The ability to email test reports to a printer that accepts email attachments or to a regular email account has been added
to the IRMA System. Logs, About IRMA, About Batteries, and detailed IRMA Base diagnostic information may only be sent to
LifeHealth technical support. A green email button has been added to screens where this feature is available.
NOTE: Emailing IRMA Base diagnostic data, About IRMA, About Batteries or an IRMA System log to LifeHealth
technical support will not result in a call back from LifeHealth technical support� Only email information
directly from the IRMA System to LifeHealth technical support at the direction of LifeHealth technical support
or at the request of your IRMA System representative�
Email Results Option
The EMAIL button will always appear for each log generated by the IRMA Logs feature and on the About IRMA and About
Batteries screen. Displaying the EMAIL button on the test results screen is configurable.
Disabled: The EMAIL button will not appear on the test
result screen.
List Only: The EMAIL button will appear on the test result
screen and the user must select an email address from the
Manual Entry: The EMAIL button will appear on the test
result screen and the user may select an email address from
the list or manually enter one. A manually entered email
address will not be added to the Email List.
Note: The IRMA System must connect to a network with
Internet access in order to send email� The IRMA System
cannot receive emails�
Manage Email List
To add, edit and delete email addresses from the IRMA System select the Manage Email List button.
To add a new email address to the list press the ADD NEW
- Use the keyboard to enter the email address and
optionally an alias. Pressing the green 123 button will
display the numeric keyboard.
Note: The alias will appear in the list of email addresses
when the EMAIL button is selected from a test results
screen� If the alias is blank the email address will appear�
- Press the DONE button to save the OID to the OID list.
- Press the CANCEL button to return to the Manage Email
List screen without saving the entry.
To delete an email address select the button of the email address to be deleted. The Edit Email screen will appear.
9 Apéndices