Manual cleaning:
Manual disinfecting:
Inspection and
The above-mentioned instructions were validated as suitable from NOUVAG AG. The person accomplishing the treatment is responsible that the
treatment that actually took place leads to the desired results in the treatment facility with the available equipment, materials, and personnel. To
ensure this it is normally necessary to validate and supervise the process. Each deviation from the instructions provided should be evaluated
carefully with regard to effects and negative consequences.
No. 31739 26/12
Equipment: Neutral cleaning agent, soft brush, running water.
1) Rinse and brush surface soiling from the electronic motor and motor
cover with cable.
2) Apply cleaning agent with brush on all surfaces as well as gaps.
3) Rinse the electronic motor and motor cover with cable thoroughly in
running water.
Spray the electronic motor and motor cover with disinfection spray on
ethyl alcohol basis.
Dry the electronic motor and motor cover with cable manually or in a
drying chamber, if the drying/disinfecting equipment does not provide any
drying program.
Check for visual damage, corrosion and wear and spray the electronic
motor with NOU-CLEAN-SPRAY thoroughly and briefly wipe with a
moistened cloth (see illustration and instructions on the spray). Screw
motor cover with cable on the electronic motor after spraying.
Single: Pack the electronic motor in an individual sterile supply package.
The bag must be large enough so that the seal is not under tension.
Sets: Arrange the electronic motors into the foreseen trays or put onto an
all-purpose sterilization tray.
Autoclave in vacuum autoclaves at max. 135°C for at least 5 minutes*. Do
not exceed the maximum load of the sterilizer, if several instruments are
sterilized during one sterilization cycle. Observe a drying phase for
autoclaves without post-vacuum. Allow the electronic motor to dry in the
bag with the paper side upwards.
*The temperature hold times must comply with the local guidelines and
No special requirements. A sterilization indicator should be added and the
sterilization date must be marked on the package, if the sterilized
electronic motor is not used immediately after sterilization.
TCM 3000 BL