B e t a M a x P o r t a b l e H o i s t s O p e r a t i n g a n d M a i n t e n a n c e P r o c e d u r e s M a n u a l
P e r i o d i c M a i n t e n a n c e
Beta Max, Inc. portable hoists are powered with either a 110V AC electric motor
or a 220V AC, single- or three- phase, electric motor depending on the model and
customer choice. The motor is fan cooled and all electrical components are sealed
and protected from the weather. No motor end user maintenance should be
required. In the event of a motor failure or other major malfunction, contact Beta
Max, Inc. for assistance.
Conical Brake
A fail-safe, conical braking system provides safe load handling at any lifting
position and securely holds the load even when electrical power is lost. This
system operates from the inductive forces in the rotor created by the AC current
through the stator wires.
When voltage is applied to the rotor, the induced magnetic force compresses the
tension spring and pulls the brake free from the brake end cap and allows the hoist
motor to turn. Conversely, when the magnetic force is absent, the brake is pushed
back into the brake end cap by the force of the tension spring and holds the
workload securely. Brake load holding force is the force applied between the brake
surface and the brake end cap, which is a result of the amount of tension on the
tension spring. This prevents the load from free-falling or slipping when the hoist
is not lifting or lowering.