B e t a M a x P o r t a b l e H o i s t s O p e r a t i n g a n d M a i n t e n a n c e P r o c e d u r e s M a n u a l
O p e r a t i o n a n d S e t u p
Scaff-Trac Extension Parts List
1. One 7-foot Scaff-Trac Monorail/Trac extension (E)
2. One saddle (A)
3. Four mounting pins with keepers (C)
Attaching the Scaff-Trac Monorail Extension
The Scaff-Trac Monorail/Trac (B) must be correctly mounted before an extension
is added. Multiple extensions can be added to the system as needed.
1. Place the saddle (A) over the next scaffold frame on the inboard side of the
previously mounted Scaff-Trac (B).
2. Lift the outboard end of the Scaff-Trac extension (E) to the inboard end of the
Scaff-Trac (B).
3. Correctly align the Scaff-Trac and extension (E) with the alignment ears and
4. Slide the extension (E) into place.
5. Raise the inboard end of the extension (E) up to the saddle (A) and secure the
extension with the pins and keepers (C).
6. Install any additional extensions in the same way.
7. Once the hoist is mounted, insert inboard end retaining pin (D).