B e t a M a x P o r t a b l e H o i s t s O p e r a t i n g a n d M a i n t e n a n c e P r o c e d u r e s M a n u a l
S a f e t y
Personal Safety Equipment
Operator personal safety equipment is an important item for safe operation of any
equipment. The following is a list of minimum required personal safety equipment
for safe use of the Beta Max hoist. There may be other required safety equipment
not contained in this list. Please refer to other source material, such as the
Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHA) manual, the American
National Standards Institute (ANSI) manual, and all local/national safety
regulations of the country where the equipment is being installed.
Minimum required personal safety equipment
Safety helmet
Steel-toed work shoes/boots
Heavy work gloves
Safety glasses
Failure to follow these guidelines is the sole responsibility of the
equipment end user/operator. Beta Max, Inc. is not and will not be held responsible
or liable for injury or damages resulting from the end user/operator not following
the guidelines set forth in this manual.