B e t a M a x P o r t a b l e H o i s t s O p e r a t i n g a n d M a i n t e n a n c e P r o c e d u r e s M a n u a l
O p e r a t i o n a n d S e t u p
I-Beam Mounting
Beta Max, Inc. provides two options for attaching the hoist to either an existing or
customer supplied I-Beam. One option is the rolling I-Beam Trolley Top for
applications that require horizontal rolling movement of the hoist and load. The
other option is the Fixed I-Beam Top for attaching a portable hoist to an I-Beam
where movement is not required. This option firmly holds the hoist in a stationery,
or fixed, position on the I-Beam.
Always confirm the I-Beam strength relative to the combined weight of the hoist and load
being lifted and the length of cantilever being used.
Figure 5.3
I-Beam Trolley Top
Figure 5.4
Fixed I-Beam Top