B e t a M a x P o r t a b l e H o i s t s O p e r a t i n g a n d M a i n t e n a n c e P r o c e d u r e s M a n u a l
C o m p o n e n t s
Maximum Working Load Capacity
Determining the maximum working load capacity is not difficult. Once the
design factor is determined, simply divide the nominal strength (provided by
the wire rope manufacturer) by the design factor. In this example, 5540 pounds
(2512.9 kilograms) will be used as the nominal strength, and 5 will be used for
the design factor. Simply divide 5540 by 5 and the answer is 1108 pounds
(502.6 kilograms). Thus, 1108 pounds (502.6 kilograms) is the maximum, safe
load capacity to be applied to the rope system.
Every wire rope user should be aware of the fact that each type of fitting
attached to a wire rope has a specific efficiency rating which can reduce the
working load of the rope assembly or rope system, and this must be given due
consideration in determining the capacity of a wire rope system.
Conditions or Situations to Avoid
With use, all wire ropes will wear out. The strength of a wire rope begins to
decrease when the rope is put in use and continues to decrease with each use.
Severe abuse and/or misuse of the wire rope will shorten its useful life, and
eventually the rope will need to be replaced. Wire rope will fail under the
following conditions: using the rope beyond its normal life, overloading, misusing,
damaging, or improperly maintaining.
Never exceed the lifting capacity of the wire rope. This means never use the
rope where the load applied to it is greater than the working load determined
by dividing the nominal strength of the rope by the appropriate design factor.
Never shock load a wire rope. Shock loading can be explained as a sudden
application of force or load to the rope such as jerking or suddenly releasing
the load. This action can cause both visible external damage and unseen
internal damage. There is no practical way to estimate the forces involved by
shock loading a rope.
Never use a rope that is dry and lacking lubricant. Lubricant, applied to the
wires and strands when manufactured, will become depleted as the rope is
used. Periodic lubrication of the wire rope is essential to maintain the life of
the rope.