Anomalies related to the plumbing circuit
No increase in
temperature with
stove in operation
in thermostove
Radiators cold
in winter but the
thermostove boils
Hot water in not
The thermostove boils
under "modulation"
that reaches the
temperature set on
the thermostat of the
1. Incorrect combustion
2. Thermostove/system dirty
3. Insuf cient stove power
1. Incorrect setting maximum
water temperature in the
2. Insuf cient fuel consumtion
1. Circulator does not run
because blocked
2. Radiators have air in them
1. Circulator pump blocked
1. It 'been set to a value of
thermostat too high
2. It was set too much power to
the implant.
1. Check parameters
2. Check and clear the thermostove
3. Check that the stove is properly sized for the
requirements of the system
1. Set the stove to a higher temperature. The
maximum water temperature in the thermostove is
65 ° C and can not be set below 40 ° C or above 80
° C. It is advisable to never adjust the temperature
below 60 ° C to avoid condensation in the
Adjust the power of the pump at a higher
temperature to 60 ° C.
2. Contact your Authorized Assistance Center
1. Free up the circulator by removing the plug and
turning the shaft with a screwdriver.
Check the electrical connections of the same,
replace if necessary
2. Vent the radiators
1. Free the circulator pump
1. Lower the temperature in the thermostove
2. Reduce the value of operating power