3.5 Using stored preset parameters
3.5.1 Storing article parameters
Article parameters include:
Preset tare
Average piece weight
Article number
Article name
Tolerance type, target weight and tolerance can be saved during checkweighing application.
A maximum of 50 target values can be stored in the terminal.
In straight weighing, piece counting or checkweighing mode:
1. Press
The first record number with the status free is displayed.
2. If necessary, you can choose a record using
3. Press
4. Press
to edit article number and article name.
Record stored! appears briefly on the screen.
The record is stored under the selected number.
If the selected record is already occupied, the message Occupied is displayed.
1. If you want to overwrite the old record, press
Overwrite record? is displayed.
2. Press Yes to overwrite or press No to cancel.
If article number or article name already exists, the more recent article number or
article name cannot be stored.
In this case Overwrite record? is displayed.
3. Press Yes to overwrite or press No to cancel and re-edit.
Quick store
➜ After defining article parameters, enter a free record number and press
The article parameters are stored!
or numeric keys.
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