7. Installation
7.H. Ceramic chamber installation and removal
The Twin Bio boiler is equipped with a ceramic chamber which enhances its effi ciency and reduces its emissions.
List of ceramic chamber elements:
1. ceramic chamber bottom cover
2. ceramic chamber burner side cover
3. ceramic chamber cap side cover
4. ceramic chamber rear cover
5. ceramic chamber top cover
6. ceramic chamber thermal insulation
7. ceramic chamber thermal insulation
Start the removal of the ceramic chamber by taking out the Platinum Bio burner. Then remove elements in the following order:
5; 2; 3; 4; 1; 7; 6. For installation reverse the procedure.
7.I. Boiler control system installation
The Twin Bio boiler control system includes a Platinum Bio
control. The control is a wall mounted device, secured with
Platinum Bio control system installation method must
guarantee rigid installation.
Position of control system must correspond to the conditions
of the ergonomic use (e.g. by providing suitable installation
height for easy installation) and easy access.
Experts in heating
The electrical system connecting Platinum Bio control system
and the Twin Bio boiler must be protected against damage
caused by the use of a device (boiler) by installation on the fl at
surface (wall) with cable mounting brackets – avoid hanging
cables which may obstruct control system access and cause
health hazard.
User Manual Twin Bio - PLV 09.13