1 Identification
The xFUME VAC ADVANCED extraction system is a mobile solution used in industry and in the trade for extracting fumes
and dust generated during welding, cutting and grinding processes. These operating instructions exclusively describe the
xFUME VAC ADVANCED extraction system, which must only be operated using original ABICOR BINZEL spare parts.
When used in these operating instructions, the terms "device" and "extraction system" always refer to the 230 V and 115 V
versions of the xFUME VAC ADVANCED extraction system.
1.1 Marking
This product fulfills the requirements that apply to the market to which it has been introduced.
A corresponding marking has been affixed to the product, if required.
1.2 EU declaration of conformity
BAL.0731.0 • 2019-09-18
1 Identification
EN - 3