Positioning the KaVo IXS Sensor
Carefully follow setup, assembly and alignment procedures to ensure quality image
capture of defined areas of the patient's anatomy.
1. Assemble the rings, bars and holders so that the entire sensor area is visible
through the ring. This applies to horizontal or vertical Bitewing holders,
Periapical (anterior or posterior) holders, and hand-held holders.
2. Place the sheath over the sensor.
3. Attach the sensor to the positioner. The sensor will only fit into the holder
one way.
4. Place the cable into the groove on the holder whenever possible. This
protects it when the patient closes.
The sensor may alternatively be positioned by hand and held in place by the patient
with one finger just like conventional X-ray film. If the Positioning System is not used,
a wad of cotton wool may be useful for aligning the sensor parallel to the tooth. It
may be best to position the sensor by hand in the small mouths of children.
Under no circumstances should the dental professional hold the
sensor by hand during the X-ray exposure.
Note however, that image quality might be inferior with respect to one attained using
an aiming device.