a A fter application, the tips of the forceps may be so hot they cause burns!
a N ever lay down instruments on or in the immediate vicinity of the patient! Lay cables and store unused
instruments so they are isolated from the patient.
a N ot for use in the presence of combustible or explosive substances!
General information:
Observe national guidelines and regulations!
Disconnect the instrument from the cable!
The overall reconditioning process encompasses pre-cleaning, cleaning / disinfection, and sterilization.
a M achine cleaning / disinfection is preferred due to effectiveness and reproducibility!
a I rrigation and suction forceps must always be reconditioned by machine!
a D o not immerse in hydrogen peroxide (H
a D o not bend open the forceps! (FIG1)
• Do not allow blood and tissue residues to dry up; rinse thoroughly with cold water after max. 1 hour! Use a
soft brush if needed (no wire brush or similar).
• On irrigation and suction forceps, verify that openings are unobstructed prior to flushing. Use a cleaning
wire / brush if needed (TAB1:A). Flush the lumina of the instruments five times with a disposable syringe
(minimum volume 50 ml) and direct connection to the existing Luer-Lock.
• Moveable parts must be moved back and forth several times during pre-cleaning.
Manual cleaning and disinfection:
Cleaning step
Flush for 5 minutes under cold water, operating moving parts.
Clean the instrument with a soft brush (such as MED100.33 from
Medisafe GmbH) until no more residues are visible.
Ultrasound and disinfection
Ultrasound bath 35 kHz at room temperature, 10 minutes, cleaning
/ disinfection solution 2 % Bomix
Secondary cleaning
Rinse hard to reach areas for 20 seconds with a spray nozzle as
needed, then rinse the entire instrument for 30 seconds with demi-
neralized water.
plus (Bode Chemie).