13. Disassembly
and disposal
14. In the event of
an emergency
15. Warranty
The welding torch system is mainly made from steel, plastics and non-ferrous metal
and must be disposed of in compliance with local environmental regulations.
The disposal of coolant is also subject to local requirements.
In the event of an emergency, the power supply must be switched off immediately.
For further action in such circumstances, consult the "Power Supply" operating
The welding torch ABIMIG
The Alexander BINZEL
manufacturing and assumes a plant production and function warranty for this
product upon delivery in line with current state-of-the-art technology and the
regulations in force.
The warranty covers manufacturing faults, but not damage resulting from natu-
ral wear and tear, over-loading or improper use.
is an original- ABICOR BINZEL
Schweisstechnik GmbH &Co. KG warranties fault-free