Comunicador HART 275/375:
Gráfico 1
On Line
Device Setup
1. Level
1. Auto-Setup
2. AO
2. Display
3. Device Setup
3. Diagnostics
4. Refresh
4. Device Data
5. Options
6. Review
1. Language Local
2. Length Unit
1. Wear
3. Nozzle Height
2. Sensor Status
4. Tank Height
3. Electronic Status
5. Level URV
4. Software Status
6. Level LRV
5. Application Status
7. Level Damping
6. Parameter Info
8. Application Type
7. Service Info
Device Test
1. Level
1. Self-test
2. Volume
2. Local display test
3. Mass
3. Master reset
4. AO
5. DO
1. Simulate AO
2. Simulate DO
1. Status
2. Device Test
Sensor Variables
3. Simulation
4. Sensor Variables
1. Raw Value
2. Echo Amplitude
3. S/N Ratio
4. Validity
5. Sens Temp
Device Data
1. Length unit
1. Units
2. Volume unit\
2. Operating parameters
3. Mass unit
3. Output parameters
4. Temp unit
4. Display param (local)
5. Other unit
5. Device information
6. HART info
Operating Parameters (ver el Gráfico 2)
Output Parameters (ver el Gráfico 3)
1. Local keys ctrl mode
2. Customer code
Display Parameters (ver el Gráfico 4)
3. Factory reset
Device information
1. Power supply
2. Process temp
3. Electrical connection
4. Local meter
5. Antenna and flange
6. Tag descriptor
7. Message
8. Last config
9. Manufacturer data
HART info
1. Manufacturer
2. Model
3. HART Dev. I.D.
4. Universal Rev.
5. Fld. dev. rev.
6. Software rev.
7. Hardware rev.
1. Operating hours
2. Maximum temp
3. Min temp
4. Aging
5. Hours > 85°C
Simulate AO
1. 4 mA
2. 20 mA
3. Other
4. End
Simulate DO
1. Relay on
2. Relay off
3. End
Antenna and Flange
1. Flange size
2. Flange type
3. Pressure range
4. Antenna type
5. Antenna extension
6. Flange material
7. Seal material
Manufacturer Data
1. Serial number
2. Device order number
3. Actual order number
4. Software version
5. Hardware version
6. Antenna offset
7. Reference distance
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