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The following are trademarks or registered trademarks of SRAM Corporation in the United States and other
SRAM, RockShox, Avid, Truvativ, 1:1, Grip Shift, Torpedo, U-Turn, Bar,
BoXXer, Pike, SID, Reba, BlackBox, Climb It Control, Tullio, Juicy, Single
Digit, Speed Dial, Arch Rival, Black Ops, Flak Jacket, Full Metal Jacket,
Hussefelt, Holzfeller, Luftalarm, Stylo, Firex, IsoFlow, Touro, Giga Pipe, FiveD,
Isis Drive (design), Wavo, X.0, X.9, X.7, 5.0, 4.0, 3.0, SX4, SX5, 1:1 Actuation Ratio, TRX,
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Composite, Zero Loss Travel, Cable Cradle, StraightShot, Uni-Lever, Quick
View, i-LIGHT, i-BRAKE, i-MOTION, i-MOTION , i-MOTION 9, Sparc, S7, P5, T,
DualDrive, TwinDrive, Bandix, Force, Rival, DoubleTap, HCT, OCT, Exact
Actuation, Mission Control, -Step, Maxle, Maxle 60, Solo Air, Dual Air,
TurnKey, IsoLite, IsoLite Cushion, Air U-Turn, Rear Maxle, PopLoc, PopLoc
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Alignment, BB5, BB7, FR5, Boxguide, Shiftguide, Engineering the shift, XR,
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ISIS, Overdrive, Square LE, Howitzer, Beyond Performance and Innovative Bicycle Components.
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