Closing the Scanner Doors
For the best quality scan we recommend closing your scanner's sliding doors. The
doors are designed to gently close when they are almost shut, so all you need to do is
slide them towards each other until you feel the spring mechanism take over. When
closed, the doors will block any light from entering the film gate.
Your scanner's high quality light source eliminates light pollution in all but
the most brightly lit workspaces. Because film is quite shiny it can reflect lights
in the ceiling which may show up as blotches in your capture. You can avoid this
by keeping the scanner doors shut while scanning.
Now that you have laced your film, set the tension, focused your image and closed the scanner
doors, you can start capturing!
Please refer to the Cintel section of the DaVinci Resolve reference manual for details on calibrating
the light source, setting the stabiliser, and the capture palette settings for capturing images. The
DaVinci reference manual also details how to sync optical audio and shows how you can manage
your capture files when scanning.
If you are looking for information on how to maintain and service your scanner, including
detailed information about your scanner's technical specifications, refer to the 'Servicing' and
'Specifications' sections near the end of this manual.
Using Your Scanner
Wind Types
The 'wind type' refers to the loading and unloading position, as well as the turn direction of film
on your scanner's feeding and taking spools. As you can see in the diagram below, an 'A' wind
refers to film loading/unloading from the top of the spool, while a B type loads or unloads from
the bottom. This is true for both the feeding and taking spools.
The default wind type for your scanner is a B/A wind, meaning the feeding
spool unloads from the bottom and the taking spool loads across the top. If the film
you are working with has been wound a different way, other combinations of A and B
winds are supported; simply select the appropriate wind type via the 'feed' and 'take
up' buttons in DaVinci Resolve's film scanner panel.
Wind type affects which direction each spool turns, the position of the audio information and
perforations, and whether your film travels across the skid plate emulsion side up or down, so it
is important to use the appropriate combination for your project.
Select the appropriate wind type in DaVinci Resolve's film scanner panel settings.
Using Your Scanner