Risk of fatal injury!
Driving at excessively high speeds and/or with an excessive load can lead to
serious accidents. At excessively high speeds the trailer can begin to swerve
and enter into the oncoming or trailing traffic as a result. Loading beyond the
permitted payload can cause safety-related devices to break, also causing the
trailer to swerve as a result.
Risk of injury!
When lashing/fastening a motorcycle, always have a second strong and qualified
person help secure it. A motorcycle, if not correctly lashed down, can cause
serious injuries.
Risk of injury!
Always have a second person help you to set the trailer down vertically. A
second strong and qualified person ensures that the trailer does not tilt when
being stowed away, as this can lead to serious injuries.
Risk of injury!
Proceed with the utmost caution when lowering. First practise lowering with
a low load before lowering heavy loads up to the maximum load. If you do
not concentrate when working, the lever can spring up and can cause serious
injuries and material damage as a result.
Risk of injury!
Do not climb on the mudguard or jump off the trailer. The mudguard could
buckle, causing a fall and injuries.
Risk of injury!
Always lay lashing straps so that they do not cause a tripping hazard.
Risk of damage
• It is imperative that you drive carefully in order to avoid endangering/injuring/
damaging yourself or third parties and objects.
• Be aware that in strong winds a towing vehicle/trailer combination has a high
wind resistance.
• Never exceed the maximum load.