The saw does not start:
The electric current is missing in the socket to which the supply cable is connected.
The supply cable is faulty
The engine is damaged or the carbon brushes must be replaced
Machine vibrations:
The blade is not fixed correctly
Wood darkens while cutting:
The tool is not correctly sharpened
The tools wear rapidly:
The tool is not correctly sharpened
The wood is dirty (cement, sand, etc.)
The engine does not work properly:
(excessive heating, exaggerate twinkle of the carbon brushes and consequent noise accentuation)
The engine may be damaged: get the machine checked by an electrician
Carbon brushes must be replaced
Blade stops rotating:
Surcharge (the speed is too high, the tool is not sharpened)
All the tools and accessories FOX are made and checked by using the safest and most modern
productive methods. However, if a tool get damaged, it must be repaired by an authorised after sales