Practical everyday tips
Do not place ridges or reezers next to radiators, heaters, stoves or
in direct sunlight.
Make sure that air vents are not covered up and clean the dust o
them once or twice a year.
Select the right temperature: 6 to 8°C in your rerigerator and -18°C
in your reezer is sucient.
When on holiday, turn up the temperature in your ridge.
Only open your ridge or reezer when necessary. It helps i you know
what ood each contains and where it is located. Return ood to the
ridge or reezer as soon as possible ater you have used it so that it
does not warm up too much.
Wipe the inside o your ridge regularly with a cloth soaked in a mild
detergent. Appliances which are not sel-derosting will require regu-
lar derosting. Do not allow rost layers thicker than 10 mm to orm.
Keep the seal around the door clean, otherwise it will not shut prop-
erly. Always replace broken seals.
Understanding the stars
Temperature is at least -6°C; sucient to store rozen ood
or about a week. Drawers or compartments marked with
one star used to be a eature o (mostly) cheaper ridges.
Food can be stored at -12°C or below or 1-2 weeks without
losing its taste. Not suitable or reezing ood.
This rating is mainly used to store oods at -18°C or below.
Can also be used to reeze up to 1 kilogram o resh ood.
This appliance is suitable or storing oods at -18°C or be-
low and reezing larger quantities o resh oods.
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