Craftsman 247.28883 Manual Del Operador página 6

Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

General S ervice
Neverrunan engine indoors or ina poorly v entilated area.Engine
exhaust contains carbon monoxide, anodorless, anddeadly gas.
Before cleaning, repairing, orinspecting, make certain the
blade(s)andallmoving parts havestopped. D isconnect thespark
plugwireandground a gainst t heengine toprevent unintended
Periodically c heck tomake sure theblades cometocomplete
stopwithin approximately
(5) fiveseconds a fteroperating t he
control. If theblades donotstop within the
this timeframe,your machine shouldbe serviced professionally
bya Searsorother q ualified servicedealer
Checkbrakeoperation frequently asitis subjected towearduring
normal o peration. Adjust andservice a s required.
Checktheblade(s) a ndengine mounting boltsat frequent
intervals for proper tightness. Also,visually inspect blade(s)
fordamage (e.g., e xcessive wear, b ent,cracked). Replace the
blade(s) w ith theoriginal equipment manufacturer's
blade(s) o nly, l istedin thismanual. U seofpartswhich donot
meettheoriginal equipment specifications m ayleadtoimproper
performance and compromise
Mower blades aresharp. Wraptheblade or wear gloves,anduse
extracaution w hen servicing them.
Keep allnuts,bolts,andscrews tighttobe sure theequipment is
in safeworking c ondition.
Never tamper w ith thesafetyinterlock systemorother safety
devices. C hecktheir proper o peration regularly.
After s trikinga foreignobject, stoptheengine, disconnect the
sparkplug wire(s) a ndground against theengine. Thoroughly
inspect themachine foranydamage Repair t hedamage before
Never attempt to makeadjustments
or repairs t o themachine
whiletheengine isrunning.
Grasscatcher c omponents a ndthedischarge coverare subject
to wearanddamage whichcouldexpose moving partsor allow
objectsto be thrown.Forsafetyprotection, frequently check
components a nd replace immediately with originalequipment
manufacturer's ( O.E.M.) p arts only,listedin thismanua]. U seof
partswhichdo notmeettheoriginal e quipment specifications m ay
leadto improper p erformance a ndcompromise safety!
Donotchange t heengine governor s ettings orover-speed t he
engine. T hegovernor c ontrolsthemaximum safeoperating speed
Maintain or replacesafetyandinstruction labels, asnecessary.
Observe proper d isposal l awsandregulations f orgas,oil,
According to theConsumer P roducts SafetyCommission ( CPSC)
andtheU.S.Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), t hisproduct
hasan Average Useful L ifeof seven (7)years,or270 hours
ofoperation. At theendoftheAverage Useful L ife,buya new
machine or havethemachine inspected annually bya Searsor
otherqualified servicedealertoensurethatall mechanical and
safetysystems areworkingproperly andnotwornexcessively,
Failure to dosocanresultin accidents, i njuries or death.
Toavoidserious injuryor death,do notmodifyengine in anyway.
Tampering withthe governor s ettingcanleadtoa runaway engine and
causeitto operate at unsafe speeds.Never t amperwith factorysetting
of engine governor.
Engines which arecertifiedtocomply w ithCalifornia andfederal
EPA emission regulations forSORE(Small O ff RoadEquipment) are
certified to operate on regularunleaded gasoline, a ndmayinclude
thefollowing emission control s ystems:Engine Modification ( EM)and
ThreeWayCatalyst ( TWC)if soequipped.
..... Ir;
This machineis equipped with an internalcombustion engine and
should not be used on or near any unimprovedforest-covered,
brushcoveredor grass-coveredland unless the engine'sexhaust
system is equippedwith a spark arrestor meetingapplicable local or
state laws (if any).
If a spark arrestoris used, it should be maintained in effective working
order by the operator. In the State of Californiathe above is required
by law (Section4442 of the California Public ResourcesCode). Other
statesmay havesimilar laws. Federal tawsapply on federal lands.
A spark arrestorfor the muffleris available through your nearest Sears
Parts and Repair Service Center.