Craftsman 247.28883 Manual Del Operador página 55

Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

MTDConsumer G roup Inc, t he United StatesEnvironmental
Protection Agency ( EPA),and, f orthose products c ertified f orsaleinthestate ofCalifornia, the
California AirResources Board (GARB) a repleased toexplain theemission ( evaporative andlorexhaust) control system (ECS)warranty o nyouroutdoor 2006
andlatersmalloff-road s park-ignited e ngineandequipment ( outdoor equipment engine) I nCalifornia, newoutdoor e quipment e ngines mustbedesigned, b ui{tand
equipped tomeetthe State'sstringent a nti-smog s tandards (inother states, 1 997andlater model y earequipment m ustbe designed, built,andequippedto meet
the U.S.EPAsmalloff-road, s parkignition engine regulations. MTDConsumer G rouptnc mustwarrant theECSon youroutdoor e quipment e ngineforthe periodof
timelistedbelowprovided therehasbeennoabuse, n eglectorimproper m aintenance ofoutdoorequipment e ngine.
YourECSmayinclude p artssuchas thecarburetor, fuel-injection system, t he ignitionsystem, c atalyticconverter, fueltanks,fuel lines,fuelcaps, v alves, c anisters,
filters,vaporhoses,clamps, c onnectors, andotherassociated emission-related c omponents.
Whereawarrantable condition exists,MTDConsumer G roupIncwillrepairyouroutdoorequipment engineat nocosttoyouincludingdiagnosis, partsandlabor.
Thisemission c ontrol system iswarranted f ortwoyears. I f anyemission-related
partonyour o utdoor equipment engine isdefective, thepartwillberepaired or
Asthe outdoor equipment engine owner, y ouareresponsible for performance ofthe required m aintenance listed inyour o wner's m anual. M TDConsumer Group
Increcommends that youretain allreceipts c overing m aintenance o nyouroutdoor equipment engine,butMTDConsumer Group Inccannot d enywarranty s olely
forthe lackof receipts.
Asthe outdoor e quipment e ngineowner,youshouldhowever b e aware thatMTDConsumer G roupIncmaydenyyouwarranty coverage ifyouroutdoorequipment
engineor a parthasfaileddueto abuse,neglect,or impropermaintenance o r unapproved m odifications.
Youareresponsible for presenting youroutdoorequipment e nginetoMTDConsumer G rouplnc's distribution center or servicecenter assoonastheproblem
exists. T hewarranty r epairs s houldbe completed ina reasonable amount o f time, n ot toexceed30 days.Jfyouhavea question regarding yourwarranty c overage,
youshouldcontact t heMTDConsumer G roupIncServiceDepartment at !-800-800-7310 o r viaemailat http:/
MTDConsumer G rouplncwarrants t o the ultimate purchaser andeachsubsequent purchaser t hatthe outdoorequipment e ngineis: Designed, b uiltandequipped
soastoconform with aFI a pplicable regulations; a ndfreefromdefectsinmaterials andworkmanship t hatcausethe failureof awarranted parttobe identical inall
materiai r espects tothatpartasdescribedinMTDConsumer G roupInc's application forcertification.
Thewarranty p eriodbeginson the datethe outdoorequipment engineis delivered to an ultimatepurchaser o r firstplaced into service. T hewarranty p eriodis two
Subject t ocerta{n conditions andexclusions asstatedbelow,thewarranty on emission-related
partsis asfollows:
1. Anywarranted partthatisnotscheduled forreplacement as required m aintenance in thewritten instructions supplied, is warranted for thewarranty period
statedabove. I f thepart f ailsduring theperiod ofwarranty coverage, t he part w iltbe repaired o r replaced byMTDConsumer G roup Incaccording tosubsection
(4)below.Anysuch partrepaired orreplaced underwarranty w illbewarranted fortheremainder oftheperiod.
2. Any warranted partthatis scheduled onlyforregular i nspection inthewritten instructions supplied is warranted f orthewarranty period statedabove. A nysuch
partrepaired or replaced underwarranty w ill bewarranted f orthe rema{ning warranty period.
3. Anywarranted partthatis scheduled forreplacement a srequired maintenance i nthe written i nstructions suppliediswarranted forthe periodof time before the
firstscheduled replacement dateforthatpart.Ifthe partfailsbefore the first s cheduled replacement, the partwill b e repairedor replaced b y MTDConsumer
GroupIncaccording to subsection (4) below.Anysuchpartrepairedor replaced underwan'anty w il!be warranted f ortheremainder o fthe periodpriortothe
first scheduled replacement pointforthe part.
4. Repairor replacement of anywarranted part underthe warranty p rovisions hereinmustbe performed ata warranty stationat no chargeto theowner.
5. Notwithstanding the provisions herein, w arranty servicesor repairswill be provided a tall of ourdistribution centersthatarefranchised to servicethesubject
enginesor equipment.
6. Theoutdoorequipment e ngineowner willnot be charged fordiagnostic laborthatis directlyassociated with diagnosis ofa defective, e mission-related war-
rantedpart,provided thatsuchdiagnostic workisperformedata warranty s tation.
7. MTDConsumer G roupIncis liablefor damages to otherengineor equipment components proximately c ausedbya failureunderwarranty of anywarranted
8. Throughout t heoff-roadengineandequipment warranty p eriod statedabove,MTDConsumer G roupIncwi]lmaintain asuppEy o fwar[antedpartssufficient t o
meettheexpected demandforsuchparts.
9. Anyreplacement partmaybeusedinthe performance o f anywarranty m aintenance o r repairs a ndmustbe provided withoutchargetothe owner.Suchusewill
not reducethewarranty o bligations of MTDConsumer G roupInc.
10.Add-onor modified partsthatarenotexempted bytheAir Resources Boardmaynotbe used.The useofany non-exempted a dd-onor modifiedpartsbythe
ultimatepurchaser willbe grounds fordisallowing a warranty claims.MTDConsumer G roupIncwillnot beliableto warrant failures of warranted p artscaused
bythe useofa non-exempted a dd-onormodif{ed part.