Craftsman 247.28883 Manual Del Operador página 57

Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

Congratulations on making a smartpurchase. Your newCraftsman®
product i s designed andmanufactured foryearsofdependable opera-
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Here'swhat t he RepairProtection A greement* includes:
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covered r epairs
• Product r eplacement upto$1500 ifyour covered p roductcan't b e
• Discount o f 10%fromregular priceof service and related installed
parts notcovered bytheagreement; also,10%off regular priceof
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froma Searsrepresentative. Thinkof usasa "talkingowner's
Onceyoupurchase theAgreement, a simple phone callisallthatit
takesforyouto schedule service. Y oucancallanytime dayornight,or
schedule a serviceappointment online.
TheRepairProtection A greement is a risk-free purchase. I fyoucancel
foranyreason duringtheproduct w arrantyperiod,wewillprovide a full
refund. O r,a prorated refundanytime afterthe product w arranty p eriod
expires.Purchase yourRepairProteclion Agreement today!
Somelimitations andexclusions a pply. F orpricesandadditional
information in theU.S.A.call1-800-827-6655.
*CoverageinCanada variesonsomeitems.Forfulldetails call
SearsCanadaat 1-800-361-6665.
SearsInstallation Service
ForSoarsprofessional installation of homeappliances, garage door
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Canada call1-800-4-MY-HOME®.