Craftsman 247.28883 Manual Del Operador página 3

Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

Thissymbol p ointsoutimportant safety instructions
which, if not
followed, c ouldendanger t hepersonal safetyand/orproperty of
yourselfand others.Readandfollowall instructions i n this manual
beforeattempting tooperate thismachine. F ailuretocomplywith
theseinstructions mayresultin personal i njury. W henyouseethis
Thismachine wasbuiltto beoperated according tothesafeopera-
tionpractices in thismanual. A s with anytypeof powerequipment,
carelessness or error o n thepartoftheoperator c anresultinserious
injury. T hismachine is capableofamputating f ingers,hands, t oes
andfeet andthrowing debris.Failure toobserve thefollowing safety
instructions c ouldresultin serious injuryor death.
Engine Exhaust, s ome of its constituenls,
and certain vehicle
components c ontain or emitchemicals known to Stateof California
to causecancerandbirthdefects or otherreproductive
Batteryposts, terminals, a nd related accessories contain]eadand
leadcompounds, chemicals known totheStaleofCalifornia to
causecancer a ndreproductive h arm. W ashhandsafter handling.
Read,understand, andfollowall instructions o n themachine and
in themanual(s) b eforeattempting toassemble andoperate.
Keepthismanual i n a safeplaceforfutureand regular reference
andfor ordering replacement parts.
Befamiliar withall controls andtheirproper operation. K nowhow
tostopthemachine anddisengage t hemquickly.
Never allowchildrenunder14yearsold tooperate this machine.
Children14yearsold andovershouldreadandunderstand the
operation instructions andsafety rulesin this manual a ndshould
be trainedand supervised b ya parent.
Neverallowadultstooperate this machine withoutproper
Tohelpavoidbladecontact o r a thrown objectinjury,keep
bystanders, helpers, c hildrenandpetsat least75 feetfromthe
machine while itis inoperation. S topmachine if anyone enters
Thoroughly i nspecttheareawheretheequipment i stobe used.
Remove all stones, s ticks, w ire,bones, t oys,andotherforeign
objectswhichcould be picked upandthrown bythe blade(s).
Thrown objectscancauseserious personal injury.
Planyourmowing pattern toavoiddischarge of material toward
roads, s idewalks, bystanders a ndthelike.Also,avoiddischarg-
ingmaterial a gainst a wall o r obstruction whichmaycause
discharged material to ricochet backtoward theoperator.
Your Responsibility--Restrict theuseofthis powermachine to
persons w ho read,understand andfollow thewarnings andinstruc-
tions in this manual andonthemachine,
Alwayswearsafety glasses or safety goggles during operation
and while performingan adjustment or repairto protect your eyes.
Thrown objectswhich ricochet c an causeserious injury to the
Wear sturdy, rough-soled work shoes and close-fitting slacksand
shirts. Loosefitting clothes and jewelry can be caught in movable
parts.Never operate this machinein bare feet or sandals.
Be aware of the mower and attachmentdischarge directionand
do not pointit at anyone. Do not operate lhe mower without t he
discharge cover or entire grass catcherin its proper place.
Donot put hands or feet near rotating parts or under the cutting
deck. Contact with the blade(s) canamputate hands andfeet.
A missing or damageddischarge cover can cause bladecontact
or thrown object injuries.
Stop the blade(s) when crossing gravel drives,walks, or roads
and while not cutting grass.
Watch fortraffic when operating near or crossing roadways.This
machine is not intendedfor use on any public roadway.
Do not operate the machinewhile under the influence of alcohol
or drugs.
Mow only in daylightor good artificial l ight.
Nevercarry passengers.
Disengageblade(s) beforeshifting into reverse. Back up slowly.
Always look down and behind beforeand while backing to avoid a