Craftsman 247.28883 Manual Del Operador página 4

Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

Slowdownbeforeturning. O perate themachine smoothly. Avoid
erratic operation andexcessive speed.
Disengage blade(s), s etparkingbrake, s topengine andwaituntil
theblade(s)cometo a complete stopbeforeremoving grass
catcher, e mptying grass,unclogging chute,removing anygrassor
debris, o r making anyadjustments.
Never leavea runningmachine unattended. Always turnoff
blade(s), s etparkingbrake,stopengine andremove key before
Useextracarewhenloading or unloading themachine intoa
traileror truck.Thismachine shouldnotbedrivenupor down
ramp(s), b ecause themachine couldlip over, c ausing serious
personal injury.Themachine mustbe pushed manually on
ramp(s) toload or unload properly.
Muffler a ndenginebecome hotandcancausea burn.Donot
Checkoverhead clearances carefully before drivingunder low
hanging treebranches, wires,dooropenings etc.,wherethe
operator m aybestruckor pulled fromthemachine, whichcould
resultin seriousinjury.
Disengage all attachment clutches anddepress thebrakepedal
completely b eforeattempting tostartengine.
Yourmachine is designed tocut normal r esidential grassof a
heightno morethan10". D onotattempt t o mowthroughunusually
tall,drygrass(e.g.,pasture) or pilesofdryleaves.Drygrassor
leaves maycontact t heengineexhaust and/orbuildupon the
mower deckpresenting a potential firehazard.
Useonlyaccessories andattachments a pproved forthismachine
bythe machine manufacturer. Read,understand a ndfollowall
instructions p rovided withtheapproved accessory orattachment.
Fora listof approved accessories a nd attachments, call1-800-
Dataindicates that operators, age60yearsandabove,are
involved in a largepercentage of ridingmower-related injuries.
Theseoperators shouJd evaluate theirabilityto operate theriding
mower safelyenough to protect t hemselves andothers from
serious injury.
If situations o ccurwhicharenotcovered inthis manual, u secare
andgoodjudgment. C ontactt-800-659-5917 f or information a nd
Slopes area majorfactorrelated toloss ofcontrol and tip-over
accidents which canresult i nsevere injuryordeath. A ll slopes require
extracaution, ifyou cannot b ack uptheslope orifyoufeeluneasy on
it,do not mowit.
Foryour safety, usetheSlopeGuide included a s part ofthis manual
tomeasure slopes b efore operating thismachine o na sloped orhilly
area.Iftheslope isgreater t han t5 degrees asshown ontheSlope
Guide, d onot operate t hismachine onthatareaorserious i njury could
Mow up and down slopes, notacross. Exercise extreme caution
whenchanging directionon slopes.
Watch for holes, ruts, bumps, rocks,or other hidden objects.
Uneventerrain could overturnthe machine.Tall grass can hide
Useslow speed. Choose a low enough speed setting so that
you willnot have to stop or shift whileon the slope. Tires may
lose tractionon slopes even thoughthe brakes are functioning
properly. Alwayskeep machinein gear when going down slopes
to take advantageof engine braking action.
Follow the manufacturer'srecommendationsfor wheel weights
or counterweightsto improvestability. For recommendations, call
Use extra care withgrass catchersor other attachments. These
can change the stability of the machine.
Keep all movementon the slopes slow and gradual. Donot make
suddenchanges in speed or direction. Rapid engagementor
brakingcould cause the front of the machine to lift and rapidlyflip
over backwardswhich could cause serious injury.
Avoid startingor stopping on a slope. If tires lose traction,disen-
gage the blade(s) and proceedslowly straightdown the slope.
Do Not:
Do not turn on slopes unless necessary; then, turn slowly and
gradually downhill, if possibEe,
Do not mow near drop-offs, ditches or embankments.The mower
could suddenly turn over ffa wheel is over the edge of a cliff,
ditch, or if an edge caves in.
Do not try to stabilize the machineby putting your foot on the
Do not use a grass catcheron steep slopes.
Do not mow on wet grass. Reducedtraction could cause sliding.
Do not attemptto coast downhill. Over-speedingmay causethe
operatorto lose control of the machine resultingin serious injury
or death.
Do not tow heavypull behind attachments(e.g. leaded dump cart,
lawnroller, etc.) on slopes greaterthan 5 degrees. When going
down hill, the extra weight tends to pushthe tractor and may
causeyou to loosecontrol (e.g. tractor may speed up, brakingand
steeringability are reduced,attachmentmay jack-knife and cause
tractor to overturn).