Craftsman 247.28883 Manual Del Operador página 14

Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

Gas and Oil Fill-up
IMPORTANT: Y ourtractor i sshipped withmotor oil in theengine.
However, youMUSTcheckthe oil level b eforeoperating. B ecareful
notto overfil!.
Forinstructions o n howtochecktheengine oil,referto Checking The
Engine Oilin theServiceandMaintenance s ectionofthis manual.
Thegasoline tankis located underthehood.Donotoverfill.
NOTE : Purchase gasolineinsmallquantities. Donotusegasoline left
overfromtheprevious season, to minimize gumdeposits in thefuel
Thisengineiscertifiedtooperateon unleaded gasoline. F orbest
results, f ill thefueltankwithonlyclean, f resh,unleaded gasoline
witha pumpstickeroctanerating of87 or higher.
Gasohol ( upto 10%ethylalcohol, 9 0%unleaded g asofine by
volume) is an approved fuel.Othergasofine/alcohol blends, s uch
as E85,are notapproved.
Methyl T ertiaryButylEther(MTBE) andunleaded gasofine blends
(uptoa maximum of 15%MTBE byvolume) areapproved fuels.
Othergasoline/ether blendsare notapproved.
Fillfueltankoutdoors or in well-ventilated
Donotoverfill f ueltank. F illtankto nomorethan1/2inchbelow
bottomoffillerneckto allowspace forfuelexpansion.
Never remove gascapor addfuelwhiletheengine ishotor run-
ning.Allowenginetocoolat leasttwominutes beforerefueling.
If gasoline isspilled,wipeit offtheengineandequipment. Move
machine toanother a rea.Wait5 minutes beforestartingthe
TO Add Gasoline
F: " FLI"tR11'
Turnthe engine offand let engine cool at least 2 minutes before
removingthe fuel cap. The gasoline tank is locatedunder the
hood. Removethe fuel cap byturning it counterclockwise.
Fillthe fuel tankwith gasoline.Useonly clean,fresh (no morethan
30 days old), unleadedgasoline. Filltank to no morethan 1/2 inch
below bottomof filler neckto allowspacefor fuelexpansion.
Reinstallthe fuel cap.
Do not overfill thetank. Fill tank to no morethan 1/2
inch below bottomof filler neck to allow spacefor fuel expansion.See
Fig. 6.
Figure 6
The safety interlock systemis designedfor safe operation of the trac-
tor. Ifthis systemshould ever malfunction, do not operate the tractor.
Immediatelycontact 1-800-4-MY-HOMEto havethe systemserviced.
The safety interlocksystem preventsthe engine from starting
unless the parkingbrake is engaged and the PTO (Blade Engage)
lever is in the disengaged(OFF) position.
The safety interlocksystem will automatically shut off the engine if
the operator leaves the seat beforeengaging the parkingbrake.
The safetyinterlocksystemwill automaticallyshut off the engineif
the operator leavesthe tractor'sseat withthe PTO(Blade Engage)
leverengaged,regardlessof whetherthe parking brake is engaged.
The engine willautomaticallyshut off if the PTO(Blade Engage)
leveris moved into the engaged (ON) position with the shift lever
in Reverse.
Avoid Serious Injury
or Death
Go UPand down slopes, not across.
Avoid sudden turns.
Do not operate the unit whereit could slip or tip.
If machinestops going uphill, stop blades and back downhill
Do not mow when children or othersare around.
Nevercarry children, evenwith blades off.
Look down and behind beforeand while backing.
Keep safety devices (guards,shields, and switches) in place
and working.
Removeobjects that could be thrown by the blades,
Know location and function of all controls.
Be sure blades and engineam stoppedbefore placinghands or
feet near blades.
Before leavingoperator'sposition, stop tractor, disengage
blades, engage parkingbrake,shut engine off, and removekey.
Read Operator's