It is necessary to read the whole manual carefully before doing any operation.
Keor SPE must be used only in residential and commercial environments.
Purpose of the manual
The purpose of this manual is to provide the user with instructions for safely installing and using
the Keor SPE UPS, also called "equipment" in the rest of the manual.
Only skilled technicians can carry out ordinary maintenance procedures as explained in the ap-
Extraordinary maintenance operations are not dealt with because they are the sole preserve of the
LEGRAND Technical Support Service.
The intended use and configurations envisaged for the equipment as shown in this manual are the
only ones allowed by the Manufacturer.
Any other use or configuration must be previously agreed with the Manufacturer in writing, and in
this case the written agreement will be attached to the installation and user manuals.
The original text of this publication, drafted in English, is the only reference for the resolution of
disputes of interpretation linked to translations into other languages.
Update of the manual
The manual reflects the state of the art when the equipment was put onto the market. The publica-
tion conforms to the directives current on that date. The manual cannot be considered inadequate
when new standards come into force or modifications are made to the equipment.
Any addition to the manual the Manufacturer considers appropriate to send to the users, must be
kept together with the manual of which they will become an integral part.
The version of the manual updated to its latest release is available on the Internet at
1 Introduction