Genius ZODIAC 100 Manual Del Usuario página 33

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  • ES

Idiomas disponibles

  • ESPAÑOL, página 71
11.3 Pre-flashing
The pre��lashin� �un�tion �an �e ena�le� an� �isa�le�
(�ollowin� an OPEN �o��an�� the unit a�ti�ates the �lashin�
la�p �or �� se�on�s �e�ore it starts the �o�e�ent)�
1) Press an� hol� �own the SET UP push��utton�
�) Press the OPEN push��utton too a�ter a�out �� se�on�s� I� the
SET UP LED �oes ON� pre��lashin� was a�ti�ate�� i� instea��
it stays OFF� pre��lashin� was �isa�le��
��) Release �oth push��uttons�1�� MEMORY STORAGE OF RADIO
The �ontrol unit has an inte�rate� ���hannel �e�o�in� syste�
na�e�� This syste� �akes it possi�le to �e�ory�store �oth
total openin� (OPEN A) an� partial openin� (OPEN B) o� the
auto�ate� syste� � this is �a�e possi�le �y an a��itional re�
�ei�er �o�ule (Fi�� ��0 re�� ) an� ra�io �ontrols on the sa�e
12.1. Memory storage of radio controls 868
A Maximum of 250 codes can be memory stored, split
between OPEN A and OPEN B.
1) On the 868 ra�io �ontrol� si�ultaneously press an� hol� �own
push��uttons P1 an� P��
�) The ra�io �ontrol LED �e�ins to �lash�
��) Release �oth push��uttons�
�) To respe�ti�ely �e�ory store total or partial openin�� press
the OPEN A or OPEN B push��utton �or one se�on� (Fi�� ��1
re�� )�
��) The rele�ant LED starts to �lash slowly �or �� se��
6) Within these �� se��� while the ra�io �ontrol LED is still �lashin��
press an� hol� �own the require� push��utton on the ra�io
�ontrol (the ra�io �ontrol LED li�hts up on stea�y �ea�)�
�) The LED on the �oar� li�hts up on stea�y �ea� �or 1 se�on�
an� then �oes OFF� in�i�atin� that stora�e was e�e�ute��
8) Release the ra�io �ontrol push��utton�
9) Qui�kly press twi�e in su��ession the �e�ory store� ra�io
�ontrol push��utton�
The automated system performs one opening operation.
Make sure that the automated system is free of any
obstacle created by persons or things.
10) To a�� other ra�io �ontrols� trans�er the �o�e o� the
�e�ory�store� push��utton o� the ra�io �ontrol to the
rele�ant push��utton o� the ra�io �ontrols to �e a��e��
o�ser�in� the �ollowin� pro�e�ure:
� On the �e�ory store� ra�io �ontrol� si�ultaneously press an�
hol� �own push��uttons P1 an� P��
� The ra�io �ontrol LED �e�ins to �lash�
� Release �oth push��uttons�
� Press an� hol� �own the �e�ory�store� push��utton (the ra�io
Fig. 30
�ontrol LED li�hts up on stea�y �ea�)�
� Approa�h the ra�io �ontrols to ea�h other an� hol� �own the
push��utton �orrespon�in� to the ra�io �ontrol to �e a��e�;
then release it a�ter a �ou�le �lash o� the ra�io �ontrol LED
in�i�atin� that stora�e was e�e�ute��
� Qui�kly press twi�e in su��ession the �e�ory store� ra�io
�ontrol push��utton
The automated system performs one opening operation.
Make sure that the automated system is free of any
obstacle created by persons or things.
12.2. Memory storage of radio controls 433
Memory storage of radio controls 433
A Maximum of 250 codes can be memory stored, split
between OPEN A and OPEN B.
1) Use ����� re�ote �ontrols only with re�ei�er �o�ule at �����
�) To respe�ti�ely �e�ory store total or partial openin�� press
the OPEN A or OPEN B push��utton �or one se�on� (Fi�� ��1
re�� )�

Fig. 31