To Connect The Emergency-Current Siren; To Install The Tilt Alarm Sensor And Connect The Wiring Harness (Optional) - BMW DWA V Instrucciones De Montaje

Alarma digital antirrobo bmw serie 3 e36
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wiring harness. Crimp cables (1) and (2)
together using the plug contact from the
installation kit. Crimp a plug contact on to
cable (3). Connect plug casings (4) and (5)
and connect them to each other.
Cars from Series E 36/C only
F 36 82 153
A22 Lay the branch (1), cable colour brown/white,
along the boot contact switch branch (1),
cable colour brown/white to the boot lamp (2)
at the rear right-hand side and connect it to
the cable (3), cable colour brown/white.
12. To connect the emergency-
current siren
F 36 0047 R
Cut the wiring harness for the emergency-current
siren (1) to the required length. Insulate and tie
back branch SN (2), cable colour red/black. Fit a
plug contact and casing to branch S24 (5), cable
colour black. Cut branch A24 from the DWA wiring
harness (6), cable colour brown/violet, to the
required length and fit it with a socket contact and
casing. Connect branch A24 (6) and branch S24 (5).
Crimp a blade terminal contact to the each end of
the remaining cables on the siren wiring harness (1).
Insert the blade terminal contacts in plug SC (3) as
Slot 1
Slot 2
Slot 3
Slot 4
Slot 5
Slot 6
Connect plug SC (3) to plug C (4) on the DWA
wiring harness.
13. To install the tilt alarm sensor
and connect the wiring harness
As a result of technical modifications, the tilt
alarm sensor must not be connected as described
in installation instructions 01 29 9 789 088.
It must be ensured that branch b, cable colour
black/red/yellow is connected to the 24-pin
plug A on the DWA wiring harness, pin 5.
F 36 82 449 R
Connect branches b, c, d and e to plugs B (1) and
A (2) on the DWA wiring harness as shown on the
connection diagram.
F 36 82 450 R
Lay the tilt alarm sensor wiring harness (1) along
the main wiring harness on the right-hand door sill
towards the rear into the boot.
cable colour brown
cable colour not used
cable colour white/black
cable colour violet/grey
cable colour brown/red
cable colour red
On cars from Series E 36/C, the wiring
harness must be laid up to the seat belt automatic
locking retractor on the passenger seat.
Cars from Series E 36/2/4 only
F 36 82 051 R
In the boot, front right
Insert the plastic expanding nuts (1) into the holes (2).
Position the holder (3) and secure it with self-tapping
screws (4).
On cars with boot side trims without a recess,
the trim must be cut open at the appropriate
F 36 82 052 R
Secure the tilt alarm sensor (1) to the holder (3)
using self-tapping screws (2).
Cars from Series E 36/C only
F 36 82 053 R
In the rear of the car on the right-hand side
Position the tilt alarm sensor (1) as shown with the
holder (2) on the coarse thread bolts (3) and secure
it with plastic nuts (4).
Depending on the equipment in the car, it
may be that the coarse thread bolts (3) mentioned
above for securing the tilt alarm sensor are not
fitted. Under no circumstances should you drill
holes at these points to secure the tilt alarm sensor
with self-tapping screws since this may damage
the side window.
Proceed as follows:
F 36 82 906 R
Make a strip of perforated plate as shown
(material thickness at least 2 mm).
F 36 82 908 R
Secure the strip of perforated plate (1) to the tilt
alarm sensor holder (2)using a hexagonal bolt,
M6 x 12 mm, washer, spring ring and hexagonal
nut M6.
F 36 82 910 R
Place the strip of perforated plate (1) on the coarse
thread bolts (2) and secure it with the hexagonal
nuts (3).
Cars from Series E 36/5 only
F 36 82 054 R
In the boot, rear right
Place the threaded bolts on the holder (1) through
the holes (3) on the tilt alarm sensor (2) from
behind and secure them with hexagonal nuts (4).
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