The following guidelines should be followed before you take your heart
rhythm to assure an accurate reading.
It is important to be still and relaxed during the rhythm measurement.
You can lie down while you take your heart rhythm.
It is important to take your heart rhythm the same way every time (either
sitting or lying down).
Report any changes in how you take your heart rhythm to your healthcare
If you travel with your Recorder, it will store the most recent reading for
up to 11 days with good batteries that remain in the device. When you
return home to your Home Hub/TeleStation, the most recent reading will
be sent automatically to your healthcare provider's computer.
Do not talk or move during the measurement.
The procedure for measuring your Heart Rhythm is as follows:
Heart Rhythm
Step 1.
Step 2.
Step 3.
Step 4.
Sit down within 20 feet of the Home Hub/TeleStation.
Sit back in a chair with your arms at your sides or on the chair
arms. Do not cross your legs. Keep your feet flat on the floor.
Place the Recorder on the table next to you so you can see it and
listen to it without moving. If you have to move to see or hear the
Recorder, place the Recorder in your lap.
Place the wristband with the white snap-on connector on your
right wrist. Make sure that the flat metal inside of the wristband
(on the other side of the black plastic pad) firmly touches the inside
of your wrist.
Place the wristband with the red snap-on connector on your left
wrist. Make sure that the flat metal inside the wristband (on the
other side of the black plastic pad) firmly touches the inside of your
Device Usage
Philips Telemonitoring Set