TM 536
Produzido por Tecnomotor Eletrônica do Brasil S/A - REPRODUÇÃO PROIBIDA - Eventuais erros ou defeitos favor comunicar
[email protected]
Before starting the operation with the Rasther PC, it is necessary to connect the
Rasther Box to the vehicle in diagnostic.
The interface connection Rasther Box to the computer can be done via USB
cable, serial cable or wireless (via Bluetooth TM123/TM128 adapters, sold
The connection of the Rasther Box interface to the vehicle will be tested made by
the D1 cable (for OBDII standard diagnostic connectors). For vehicles with other
tipe of diagnostic connectors, it is necessary to use other adaptador cables.
When the vehicle's diagnostic connector doesn't have power supply (12V or 24V),
it is necessary to connect the external power supply cable.
There are LEDs indicate the functional state of the Rasther Box interface:
• LED Ready: indicates if the Rasther Box interface was initialized and is ready
to use;
• LED USB: indicates if the USB connection between the computer and the
Rasther Box interface was established;
• LED Status: indicates the functional state of Rasther Box interface.