1. To Select File Type
Follow the introduction in "File Type" to select the type of files to be saved
as. Only state file and arb file can be saved locally. If the curremt file is "Arb
File", pulse Arb → Edit Wform → Save to save it.
2. To Open the Filename Input Interface
pulse Browser to select "File" and then pulse Save to enter the filename
input interface as shown in the figure below.
3. To Input Filename
pulse IME to select "Chinese" or "English". The length of the file or folder
name is limited within 9 characters.
English Input (include number input):
pulse +/- on the numeric keyboard at the front panel to switch between
uppercase and lowercase.
Use the mando to select the desired character from the virtual soft
keyboard, then pulse Select to select the character and the character
selected would be displayed in the "Filename Input Area". Use the same
Filename Input Area
Figure 2-18 Filename Input Interface (English)
Virtual Soft Keyboard