Liters or Kilograms = 3.785 x Gallons (US)
A paddlewheel, a part of the flow meter located in the path of fresh water flowing into the
machine, spins as water flows past it. Each revolution of the paddlewheel sends a pulse to the
machine controller. The controller uses the count of the pulses to determine how much water has
flowed into the machine.
If the programmed water level is less than or equal to the configured high water level, the
programmed water level (inches or centimeters; not liters, gallons, kilograms, or pounds) is used.
If the machine is configured for a flow meter and programmed for a water level value greater than
the configured high water level, the controller uses the flow meter to determine when the desired
amount of water is in the cylinder.
When the operator selects a wash formula with a water level value greater than the configured
high water level, the controller uses the flow meter and the actual weight of the load to calculate
the actual number of units of water required. To determine how many units of water to allow into
the machine, the controller prompts for the weight of each load.
For example, assume that a bath step is programmed to use 800 kilograms of water for 400 kg of
goods.When the formula containing this step is selected to run, the controller will prompt the
operator for a customer number and the actual weight of the load. If the load weight is 375
kilograms, the controller will proportionally reduce the amount of water admitted into the
cylinder according to this equation:
(375 / 400) * 800 = 750 kilograms of water
The flow meter calibration procedure requires you to temporarily redirect water from the washer-
extractor to a container. Depending on the units you choose for metering the water when the
machine is operating, you must be able to accurately weigh the container and its contents or
accurately determine the volume of water in the container.
Chapter 2. How to Configure and Program the Control
Liters = 1.0 x Kilograms
Pounds (US) = 8.3 x Gallons (US)
Pounds (US) = 2.2 x Kilograms