5.3) Programming of the operating time
The "Operating Time" is the maximum time in which the control unit controls the motor until it reaches the Up or Down limit switch; the factory setting or after the memo-
ry has been cancelled is approximately 150 seconds. The operating time can be modified from a minimum of 4 to a maximum of 240 seconds if required. The program-
ming procedure is performed in "self-recognition", being the measurement of the time necessary to perform a complete manoeuvre.
The most demanding manoeuvre for the motor must be measured (which is obliviously slower), this is normally re-winding and starting with the motor in correspondence
with a limit switch. The operating time should ideally be programmed with a few extra seconds to that of the time actually necessary for the manoeuvre (see point 5).
Table "A11"
Programming of the operating time
Keep button ■ of a memorized transmitter pushed (approx. 5 seconds) until a beep is heard;
then release button ■
Push button ■ again (approx. 5 seconds) until 4 beeps are heard; then release button ■
Push button s (or button t) to start the manoeuvre and to start the time count
Wait for the motor to complete the manoeuvre up to the limit switch
Wait a few more seconds, then push and release button ■ to stop the time count; the new operating time is
confirmed with 3 beeps
Note: to reset the factory operating time settings (150 seconds), push button ■ at point 3, programming is confirmed with 3 beeps.
The wind protection is activated if a "VOLO" series wind sensor is connected to the "sensors" input, this being the automatic retraction of the awning in the presence of
wind which is over the programmed level. If the level is exceeded for more than 3 seconds, a command the same as button s is activated and all movements are blocked
until the wind level drops below the programmed level for at least 1 minute. There is a choice of 5 intervention levels: 1=5Km/h, 2=10Km/h, 3=15Km/h, 4=30Km/h and
5=45Km/h. (the level is factory set at No. 3).
Table "A12"
Changing the wind protection intervention level
Keep button ■ of a memorized transmitter pushed (approx. 5 seconds) until a beep is heard;
then release button ■
Slowly push button s the same number of times equal to that of the desired level (1, 2, 3, 4 or 5)
Shortly afterwards a number of beeps is heard equal to the desired level
Push and release button ■ to confirm
If at point 3 the same number of beeps equal to the required level are not heard, simply do not push any more buttons and wait a few seconds to finish without the level
being changed.
The "sun" automation system is activated if a "VOLO-S" series sun sensor is connected to the "sensors" input, this being the automatic lowering of the awning in the pres-
ence of sun which is over the programmed level. If the level is exceeded for more than 2 minutes, a command the same as button t; is activated; subsequently, if the sun
drops below the programmed level for 15 minutes, a command the same as button s is activated. The sun automation system can be deactivated with the transmitter
by sending a "Sun OFF" command and can be reactivated afterwards with the "Sun ON" command. The s or t movement commands, which override the automation
commands, can be sent even with the "Sun" automation active. The "wind" protection always overrides the "sun" automation.
There is a choice of 5 "sun" intervention levels: 1=5Klux, 2=10Klux, 3=15Klux, 4=30Klux and 5=45Klux. (the level is factory set at No. 3).
Table "A13"
Changing the "sun" automation intervention level
Keep button ■ of a memorized transmitter pushed (approx. 5 seconds) until a beep is heard;
then release button ■
Slowly push button t the same number of times as the desired level (1, 2, 3, 4 or 5)
Shortly afterwards a number of beeps is heard equal to the desired level
Push and release button ■ to confirm
If at point 3 the same number of beeps equal to the desired level are not heard, simply do not push any more buttons and wait a few seconds to finish without the level
being changed.
X1= 5 Km/h
X2= 10 Km/h
X3= 15 Km/h
X4= 30 Km/h
X5= 45 Km/h
X1= 5 Km/h
X2= 10 Km/h
X3= 15 Km/h
X4= 30 Km/h
X5= 45 Km/h
X1= 5 Klux
X2= 10 Klux
X3= 15 Klux
X4= 30 Klux
X5= 45 Klux
X1= 5 Klux
X2= 10 Klux
X3= 15 Klux
X4= 30 Klux
X5= 45 Klux