Battery Replacement Instructions
Contact IBM Service Support to order a replacement battery pack. It must be the same type
and rating of the original batteries. See Battery information in Specifications.
If it is necessary, the batteries may be replaced while the Fortress is running with the
protected equipment attached. Option: You may switch off and unplug the protected load
equipment from the Fortress. Then, turn off the Fortress and disconnect the line cord.
Pull the top of the plastic front cover forward, then release the bottom of the front cover and
carefully pull it away from the unit. Place the front cover, with the LED panel and ribbon
cable attached, on top of the unit so it is out of your way while replacing the batteries.
Remove the two (
the interior panel to gain access to
the batteries. Go to step 5 if you
have a 750, 1050, or 1425 model.
For 1800 or 2250 models go to
step 8.
For 750, 1050, and1425 models:
Disconnect the red and black cables
from the used battery pack.
Use the tabs attached to the
batteries to remove the batteries
from the Fortress.
Slide the new batteries into the unit.
Reconnect the cables to the new
battery pack; red to positive (+),
black to negative (-).
For 1800 and 2250 models:
Loosen the cable tie on the battery
cables. Then push down the
connector latch on the B Connector
and disconnect the connector from
the bottom batteries. Disconnect the
Charger A Connector from the top
batteries. Use the tabs to pull the
top and bottom batteries out. Slide
in the new battery packs and
reconnect the Charger A Connector
and then the B Connector. Fasten
the cable tie.
) screws from
750 VA Model
B40 and B41)
1050/1425 VA Model
B42 and B44)
1800/2250 VA Model
A Connector
B Connector