the bottom face of the 123- housing. Inside the hole you will find a 16 position rotary switch ( marked
'0' to 'F' ).
Check the technical data below for the proper setting. Select the curve of your choice, then re-insert
the plug and tighten securely.
Now remove the spark plug wires and coil wire from the old distributor-cap and remove the old cap.
Disconnect the points wire from the coil. Loosen the clamp at the base of the distributor and pull the
old unit out.
Remove the drive-gear from the old distributor, and mount it carefully on the drive-shaft of the
123ignition. Remove the distributor-cap from the '123' and carefully insert it in the block, turning the
rotor until the drive dog mates and the unit slips into place. Rotate the housing of the '123' so that the
cables come out conveniently, e.g. with the rotor pointing more-or-less identical in the same direction
as before.
STEP 3: Static timing the '123'
Connect the red wire to the BAT (positive) terminal of the ignition coil, according to the schematic. For
now, do NOT connect the black wire. Turn on the ignition. Slowly turn the housing of the '123' in a
counterclockwise direction until the green LED just lights up.
( the LED shines through one of the eight holes in the aluminum disc below the rotor)
While turning, also press the rotor in a counterclockwise direction, to remove any free play in the drive.
Finally, tighten the '123' securely, as it is also the electrical ground of the '123'.
( if you expect a bad ground-connection, use the M6 threaded hole in the bottomface of the
123-housing for a direct wire to ground )
Turn off the ignition.