Childre's bike
1. Introduction
Congratulations on buying this PUKY chil
dren's bike. You have selected a highquality
product which is guaranteed to bring a lot of
fun. This user manual outlines the safe use
and maintenance of your new bike. If you have
any questions or problems you can always
contact your dealer or consult our web site:
2. Parents' responsibility
If children play with the bike in accordance
with the instructions, there is hardly any risk.
However, children's characters and their natu
ral need of movement can cause unpredictable
situations and dangers for which the manufac
turer cannot be held liable. Therefore children
must be instructed on how to use the bike
correctly. Parents must supervise them and
point out any dangers to them.
3. Warning
This children's bike is not suited for use in a
sportive way (e.g. jumping). Suitable clothing
and closed shoes must be worn when riding
the bike. PUKY recommends the use of a
biker's safety helmet (see PUKY accessories).
When using the bike, children must not ride it
near stairs, steps, hills, steep slopes, swim
ming pools or other areas of water. If there are
any steps or stairs in the area they must be
screened off so that children cannot ride up or
down them on their bikes. This vehicle should
not be used on public roads (see point 6).
4. First use
Adjust the bike to the child's size. The saddle
must be adjusted so that at least the tip of the
foot, but preferably the entire ball of the foot
reaches the ground, so that the child can keep
its balance when the bike is standing still. The
mark for the minimum seat post insertion
depth must be observed at all times. Secure
the handlebar (incl. the handbrake and the
bell) observing the minimum handlebar stem
insertion depth after adjusting the saddle
height, so that the child can easily reach the
handlebar while sitting on the bike. Check the
bike prior to its first use by means of the
safety checklist below.
While assembling the pedals pay attention to
the righthand or lefthand screwthread
(marked by R or L on the pedal shaft near the
If necessary the stabilizers (a basic aid to help
the child balance the bike) must be mounted
on the rear wheel, and secured. The stabilizers
must only be used until the child can ride the
bike safely since they may exert uncontrollable
forces on the frame as the child's cycling expe
rience increases.