Measurement display
First Name Surname
1.0 Nm
50.0 %
743L500 3D L.A.S.A.R. Posture
Measurement display
1.0 Nm
50.0 %
The "Tapping and dragging" gesture is used for posi
tioning on the image. The gesture "2x tapping" is used
to select. Selected objects can be changed or deleted.
: "Measurement display"
: Save and return to the patient overview (section
"Patient overview" – see Page 80)
: The patient's first name is shown here.
: The patient's surname is shown here.
: Drag black frame onto the image
: Drag text field onto the image
: Drag one or more gauges onto the load lines (sagit
tal view: only dragging onto the load lines of the lateral
side is possible)
: Drag one or more reference points onto the load
lines (sagittal view: only dragging onto the load lines of
the lateral side is possible)
: Save and return to live view (section "Live view" –
see Page 73)