Measuring the tire pressure
To check the tire pressures outside the adjustment pro-
cess (e.g. directly after starting the tractor), use the
buttons to select the adjustment circuit(s) for which the
tire pressures are to be ascertained. Press the
buttons simultaneously for 2 seconds. The ascer-
tained current tire pressure is displayed in the column on
the right. The column on the left displays the last select-
ed field or road pressure.
Selecting the wheels to be adjusted
If a central tire inflation system with more than one ad-
justment circuit is installed on the vehicle (e.g. front axle
and rear axle), it may be useful to only activate one ad-
justment circuit.
You can use the following buttons to individually select or
deselect the installed adjustment circuits:
The selected adjustment circuits are displayed via the cor-
responding LEDs.
Which adjustment circuits are selected can be changed at
any time, even during the adjustment process. For exam-
ple, when using heavy rear implements, you can there-
fore use the power of the vehicle compressor to fill only
the tires on the rear axle at first, and then fill the tires on
the front axle later.
Tire pressures are being checked
Tire pressures checked