Operation: The most important period in the life of your
vehicle is its first 2000 kms. The engine is brand new and
different moving parts of the engine need to be set to their
correct operating tolerances.
This ensures a longer life for your vehicle. It is therefore,
necessary to take some precautions so as not to overload
the engine.
Keep to the following speed limits:
1st Gear:
0 to 10 kms/hr.
2nd Gear:
10 to 20 kms/hr.
3rd Gear:
20 to 35 kms/hr.
4th Gear:
35 kms/hr and above.
Vary the speed from time to time.
Do not drive with half (partially engaged) clutch. This will
not only damage the clutch but will also cause overheating
of the engine.
Avoid running the scooter on full throttle for long periods.
Allow a cooling off period of 5-10 minutes after each hour
of use.
Ensure oil level in gear box to recommended level.