Disengage the basic unit, write protocol. The machine is now ready for the next welding cy-
All welding parameters can be found in the enclosed welding tables.
Putting out of operation
Switch off heating plate.
Let the heating element cool or stow it in such a way that no adjacent materials can
be ignited!
Remove trimmer unit, heating plate and hydraulic unit plugs from power outlet and roll up
Remove control box modul main plug from power outlet and roll up cables.
Transport and set the hydraulic unit only in a horizontal position. If it is set at an
angle, oil escapes from the vented plugs with the dipstick!
Disconnect and roll up hydraulic hoses.
Important! Protect couplings from damage and dirt!
General requirements
As weather and ambient conditions can seriously effect welding procedures and joints, it is es-
sential to duly observe national welding guidelines and ordinances, e. g. DVS Guideline 2207,
Sections 1, 11 and 15.
Welding requires continuous and due supervision and monitoring!
Important information on welding parameters
For welding parameters such as temperature, pressure and time, consult your national welding
guidelines and ordinances, e. g. DVS Guideline 2207, Sections 1, 11 and 15.
Ordering: DVS Media GmbH, Aachener Str. 172, 40223 Düsseldorf
Postfach 10 19 65, 40010 Düsseldorf, Tel.: +49 (0) 211 / 15 91 – 0
In the event of doubt, consult the pipe manufacturer for material-specific welding parameters.
The welding parameters specified in the welding tables are strictly reference values. ROTHEN-
BERGER cannot assume any liability for their accuracy or completeness!
The compensation and joint pressure values specified in the welding tables were calculated us-
ing the following formula:
pressure P [bar] = welding surface A [mm²] x welding factor SF [N/mm²]
Welding factors (SF): PE = 0,15 N/mm², PP = 0,10 N/mm², PVDF = 0,10 N/mm²
Care and maintenance
To ensure that the welding machine functions properly, observe the following maintenance rec-
The guide rods must be kept free of dirt and grime. Replace guide rods whenever surface
shows signs of erosion or damage, otherwise hydraulic system may loose pressure.
Trimmer unit, heating plate, hydraulic unit may only be supplied with the voltage specified on
the type plates.
To achieve perfect welding results, it is essential to keep the heating plate clean. If the sur-
face is damaged or shows signs of erosion, the surface must be recoated or replaced. Mate-
rial residues on the heating plate surface reduces the non-sticking properties of the coating.
Remove all residues with non-linting paper and alcohol (heating plate must be cool!).
Before every start-up, check the oil level of the hydraulic unit (oil level should lie between full
and empty marks). Replenish hydraulic oil whenever necessary (HLP – 46, no.: 53649).
Change hydraulic oil (HLP – 46, no.: 53649) every six months.
surface of cylinder Az [cm²] x 10