Document Number: 80028192
Version C
Indicates the manufacturer's lot code
using the Julian Date yyddd, where yy
indicates the last two digits of the year
and ddd indicates the day of the year.
i.e. April 4
, 2019 would be represented
as 19094.
Indicates the manufacturer's
catalogue number
Indicates the need for the user to
consult the instructions for use for
important cautionary information such
as warnings and precautions.
Indicates the device do not contain
natural rubber or dry natural rubber
Indicates the authorized representative
in the
European Community
Indicates the Medical Device complies
to REGULATION (EU) 2017/745
Indicates a Warning
Intended to show when the IFU should
be referenced for use
Failure to follow the Operating
Instructions Could Put the Patient or
Operator at Risk (This symbol is white
with a blue background. The blue
background indicates a mandatory
EN ISO 15223-1
EN ISO 15223-1
EN ISO 15223-1
EN ISO 15223-1
EN ISO 15223-1
MDR 2017/745
IEC 60601-1
EN ISO 15223-1
IEC 60601-1
Page 9
Ref Blank Template: 80025117 Ver. F
Issue Date: 26 MAR 2020