Virtual POS User Guide (Cash Only)
Click on the Email button to send a copy of the customer receipt to any valid email
address. Click on the Send button to send the email or Cancel button to cancel this
4. Click on the Finish button to end the process.
6. Help
How to use the help option.
The Virtual POS has a help area. This area allows the user to see the last version of the user guide and
the current version of the Virtual POS application.
User Guide
To access the user guide follow the next steps:
1. Click on the Help menu.
2. Select the User Guide option.
a. The last version available of the User Guide will appear on the screen.
b. The user shall have installed on the computer a PDF reader to open the user guide.
About the Virtual POS
This area allows the user to see Virtual POS related data like the current version.
1. Click on the Help menu.
2. Click on the About option.
a. The system will open in a new window the Virtual POS data.
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Figure 28 - About Virtual POS
This manual can be updated periodically in order to reflect software changes or improvements.
Please verify the Virtual POS site for the latest version.
Date: June 1, 2011 – Version 1.3