Virtual POS User Guide (Cash Only)
4. Enter the sale information into the Cash Sale form
a. Invoice Number and Description are optional fields
5. Click on the Process button (Click on the Cancel button - or ESC key - to clear the form without
processing the transaction) and a confirmation screen will appear when approved. If declined,
an alert will appear indicating the result (click on the OK button and try again).
a. Receipts will be printed automatically depending on the Receipt Printer Configuration
selected. See section 2.4 - Receipt Printer Configuration for details.
b. Click on the Reprint button to reprint a receipt. The system will ask you to reprint
customer copy, merchant copy, all receipts or to cancel this action.
c. Click on the Email button to send a copy of the customer receipt to any valid email
address. Click on the Send button to send the email or Cancel button to cancel this
6. Click on the Finish button to close the Transaction Confirmation window.
Cash Refund
1. Click on the Transactions menu
2. Click on the Cash option
3. Click on the Refund option
a. Some operators need manager's approval to perform this transaction. In this case, a
valid manager username and password shall be entered before proceeding.
4. Enter the refund information into the Cash Refund form
a. Original PNRef Number, Invoice Number and Description are optional fields. Original
PNRef is used to attach one transaction to another transaction already made on the
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Figure 20 - Cash refund
This manual can be updated periodically in order to reflect software changes or improvements.
Please verify the Virtual POS site for the latest version.
Date: June 1, 2011 – Version 1.3