Virtual POS User Guide (Cash Only)
Terminal options: To change or establish the terminal settings follow the next steps:
1. Log on as a System Administrator (or as a user with access to the Terminal Configuration
2. Click on the Terminal Configuration tab (under the Tools menu).
3. Look for the Terminal Settings area.
4. Enter the terminal settings as desired for the Virtual POS terminal
a. Check the "Require manager approval for adjustments" if you want the refund and
adjustments to be performed only by users with manager access or by entering a
manager approval (manager's username and password) on the system.
b. Maximum Cash Back Amount is used for debit and EBT transactions only.
c. Choose printing options for the terminal:
d. Select the Auto Calculate Type option that better fit your business requirements (only
merchants with auto calculate configured). Available options are:
7 of 20
Figure 6 - Terminal Configuration Saved
Figure 7 - Terminal settings area
All – All receipts will be printed automatically
None – Receipts will not be printed automatically
Merchant Only – Only the merchant receipt will be printed automatically
Customer Only – Only the customer receipt will be printed automatically
This manual can be updated periodically in order to reflect software changes or improvements.
Please verify the Virtual POS site for the latest version.
Date: June 1, 2011 – Version 1.3