Virtual POS User Guide (Cash Only)
5. Update user information as needed:
a. Account is Inactive will made user inactive immediately.
b. Must Change Password will force the user to change password on next log on.
c. Manager check mark allows the user to perform refund and void transactions.
d. To change the password click on the Change Password button.
e. Passwords shall follow strong password rules:
Add or remove user access or privileges
6. Click on the Save User button to save the changes. Cancel button will discard any changes.
Delete User
1. Log on as a System Administrator (or as a user with access to the User Management section).
2. Click on the Manage Users tab (under the Tools menu).
10 of 20
Figure 12 - Edit user screen
Figure 13 - Change password window
Minimum of eight (8) characters
At least one (1) UPPERCASE letter
At least one (1) lowercase letter
At least one (1) digit (0-9)
This manual can be updated periodically in order to reflect software changes or improvements.
Please verify the Virtual POS site for the latest version.
Date: June 1, 2011 – Version 1.3