should be loosened and if the handle moves with excessive ease, it should be tightened. Once
it has been set, tighten the set screw (#215) making sure it coincides with the groove nearest
the three at the head of the main spindle (#4009).
F.- Assembly of the Spindle in the Vice
1) Once the hydraulic unit (spindle) is assembled and set, remove the fleange-regulator assembly
and screw the bolt (#4107) in the spindle (#4009). Reassemble using the set screw (#014)(model
090 – #004). Mount the complete assembly in the body of the vice (4101) tightening the flange
with its four screws (#4051)
2) To mount the second bolt, screw the spindle (#4003) in its interior and mount it in the body
(#4101) matching the spindle male hexagons and the deposit female hexagons until they meet.
3) Verify that the bolts are equidistant from the centre (the dowel pins serve as reference points).
This position is achieved by turning of the spindle (#4003) in the bolt (#4102). To do so, unloosen
the hexagon and rotate until there is a difference of 15mm (in the 090 model – 12mm).
4) Having done this, screw the piston bolt (#4035) and fasten it with the set screw.
5) By turning the handle, now verify that the bolts slide correctly in the vice body together with
the jaws. If this is the case, tighten the screws (#4051) on the flange. This is an important
operation as it includes tightening and centring-alignment of the assembly; this is done by
following a process of tightening the screws and turning the handle to check the smoothness
of the movement of the jaws.
Movement of the Jaws is Difficult
Low Gripping Pressure
Excessive lifting of the work-piece
Useful Information
Flange is not correctly aligned
- work-piece too high
- work-piece elastic
- work-piece not properly sqared
- work-piece rough shape
Incorrect jaw support
Loosen the flange bolts and proceed
to retighten them checking the
movement of the jaws with the vice
- Adapt to suitable jaws
- Use the pre-clamping position
- Use special jaws
Use downward clamping jaws