width until the cutting is completed. If the grinding wheel is
jammed in the cutting gap, switch off the grinder and then
release the grinding wheel. Before continuing to work, check
whether the grinding wheel is still correctly mounted and has
not been damaged. Grinding and cutting wheels should not be
used for lateral grinding. (Exception: grinding wheels designed
for lateral grinding.) Grinders must not be used beyond the
maximum peripheral speed of the grinding wheel. The operator
must ensure that there are no unauthorised persons in the
workplace area. Wear personal protective equipment such as:
fi tted gloves, apron and a helmet. Sparks from work can ignite
clothing and cause severe burns. Make sure the sparks do not
fall onto the clothing. Wear fi reproof clothing and keep a bucket
of water near you.
Hazards connected with repetitive movements
When using a pneumatic tool for work entailing repetitive
movements, the operator is exposed to the discomfort of hands,
arms, shoulders, neck or other parts of the body. When using a
pneumatic tool, the operator should take a comfortable posture
to ensure the feet are correctly positioned and avoid strange or
unbalanced postures. The operator should change the posture
over a long period of time to avoid discomfort and fatigue. If the
operator experiences symptoms such as persistent or repeated
discomfort, pain, pulsating pain, tingling, numbness, burning
or stiff ness, the operator is required to report the symptoms to
the doctor. The operator should not ignore them, should tell the
employer about it and consult a doctor.
Hazards connected with accessories
Disconnect the tool from the power supply before replacing the
inserted tool or accessory. Use accessories and consumables
only in the sizes and types recommended by the manufacturer.
Do not use other types or sizes of accessories. Make sure that
the dimensions of the grinding wheel are compatible with those
of the grinder and that the grinding wheel fi ts the spindle of the
grinder. Make sure that the type and size of the grinding wheel
thread matches the type and size of the spindle thread. Check
the grinding wheel before use. Do not use grinding wheels
which have (presumably) been dropped or are broken, have
chipped fragments, are cracked or are otherwise damaged.
Before use, check that the grinding wheel has been correctly
mounted and tightened. Start the unloaded grinder for 1 minute
in a safe position. Stop it immediately if excessive vibration
or other faults are observed, then investigate the cause of
the fault. Prevent the spindle tip from touching the bottom of
the bowls, cones or pivots with threaded holes intended for
attachment to machine spindles by checking their size and
other data. If adapters or reducing sleeves are supplied with
the grinding wheel, the user must ensure that the adapter or
the sleeve does not come into contact with the face of the fi xing
fl ange and that the fi xing forces are suffi cient to prevent the
wheel from slipping during rotation. If the fi xing fl anges are
supplied in several types or sizes, always match the correct
fl ange(s) to the grinding wheel used. Avoid direct contact with
the inserted tool during and right after work, as it can be hot or
sharp. Store and handle the grinding wheels with care taken in
accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
Hazards connected with the workplace
Slips, stumbles and falls are the main causes of injury. Beware
of slippery surfaces caused by using the tool, as well as
tripping hazards caused by the air system. Handle with care
in an unfamiliar environment. There may be hidden hazards,
such as electricity or other utility lines. The pneumatic tool is
not intended for use in potentially explosive zones and is not
insulated from contact with electricity. Make sure that there are
no electric cables, gas pipes, etc. which could pose a risk in the
case of damage with the tool.
Fumes and dust hazards
Dust and fumes from pneumatic tools can cause ill health
(e.g. cancer, congenital malformations, asthma and/or
dermatitis), it is necessary to: assess the risks and implement
appropriate control measures with regard to these risks. The
risk assessment shall include the impact of the dust generated
by the tool and the possibility of existing dust disruption.
The operation and maintenance of the pneumatic tool must
be carried out in accordance with the instructions in the
instructions manual in order to minimise the emission of fumes
and dust. The air outlet shall be so directed as to minimise
the disruption of dust in a dusty environment. Where dust or
fumes are generated, priority should be given to controlling
them at the source of the emission. All integrated functions and
accessories for collecting, extracting or reducing dust or fumes
should be properly operated and maintained according to the
manufacturer's recommendations. Select, maintain and replace
tools to be inserted in accordance with the instructions in order
to prevent the increase of fumes and dust. Use respiratory
protection in accordance with the employer's instructions and
in accordance with hygiene and safety requirements. Working
with certain materials generates dust and fumes that can create
a potentially explosive atmosphere.
Noise hazard
Exposure to high levels of noise can cause permanent and
irreversible hearing loss and other problems such as tinnitus
(ringing, buzzing, whistling or humming in ears). A risk
assessment and the implementation of appropriate control
measures for these hazards are necessary. Appropriate controls
to reduce the risk may include measures such as silencing
materials to prevent the workpiece from "ringing". Use hearing
protection in accordance with the employer's instructions and in
accordance with hygiene and safety requirements. The operation
and maintenance of the pneumatic tool must be carried out in
accordance with the instructions in the manual in order to avoid
an unnecessary increase in noise levels. If the pneumatic tool
has a silencer, always make sure that it is installed correctly
when using the tool. Select, maintain and replace worn inserted
tools in accordance with the instructions in the manual. This will
help avoid an unnecessary increase in noise.
Vibration hazard
Although the tools were designed to minimise the risks
associated with vibration emission, it was not possible to
completely eliminate the vibrations which may be the cause of
residual risks. Improper use of the tool may result in exposure
to vibration. The value of the vibrations specifi ed in the manual
may not adequately represent the vibration level of the intended
use. Exposure to vibration can cause permanent damage to the
nerves and blood supply of the hands and arms. Wear warm
clothes when working at low temperatures and keep your hands