Set the viewer to display KeyKode data by clicking on the viewer
options in the top right corner and selecting 'KeyKode' from the menu
KeyKode information is often captured for inclusion in DPX digital intermediates, as detailed in
the next section, but this metadata is also available for use in the 'edit' and 'color' panes of
DaVinci Resolve just like any other metadata.
Transcoding to DPX including KeyKode Metadata
If you want to, you can also set DaVinci Resolve to transcode your scans to the DPX file format,
which will retain all the KeyKode metadata.
To transcode your scans to DPX:
Go to the menu bar at the top of the screen and click on 'File', then select
media management.
In the media management window, click on the 'clips' icon to transcode all clips
individually, and select transcode.
Set your media destination by browsing to your chosen storage folder and click OK.
Enable the 'transcode all media' radio button to transcode all the media on
your timeline.
In the video settings, set the video format to 'DPX' and choose your desired
codec setting.
The resolution will automatically match your timeline resolution, but you can change the
setting if you want to transcode to a different resolution. You can also set it to match
your clips' source resolution by enabling the 'render at source resolution' checkbox.
Optional Audio and KeyKode Reader