Roof-top Air-conditioning System CC4E, CC5 and CC8
12. The receiver-drier must be replaced at
least once per year. It must always be re-
placed when work is carried out on the re-
frigerant circuit.
13. To prevent shaft seals in the refrigerant
compressor drying out or moving parts in
the refrigerant circuit seizing up due to res-
inification of the oil, the air-conditioning sys-
tem must be operated for approx. 15 min-
utes at least once per month when not in
use. Requirement: minimum outside tem-
perature > 5 °C, e.g. in a heated garage.
14. Care must be taken to ensure that the
amount of oil in the air-conditioning sys-
tem is always at the level specified in the
installation and service manual.
15. The plate fins of the condenser, evapo-
rator or heat exchanger should be cleaned
with compressed air directed against the
normal direction of air flow if contamination
is slight. If they are severely fouled or cov-
ered with a greasy film, they must first be
cleaned with soap solution or a suitable
cleaning agent (non-corrosive for copper or
aluminium) and then cleaned with com-
pressed air or a jet of water.
Important: Beware of damage due to an ex-
cessively strong jet of air or water.
16. When the vehicle is cleaned with a di-
rect jet of water or in a car wash, the fresh
air ventilation flap must be closed. Note
the overall height of the vehicle including
roof-top air-conditioning system.
17. Webasto cannot accept any liability
whatsoever for non-compliance with the
instructions and information in the installa-
tion and service manual. The same also
applies in the case of unauthorized repairs
and repairs undertaken without using orig-
inal spare parts.
18. The fresh air ventilation flap (option for
CC8) should remain closed in winter.
19. When filling the heating circuit with
coolant (water / glycol), care must be tak-
en to bleed the circuit via the bleed valve
of the system.
Further replenishment of the heating cir-
cuit is only permitted with the engine run-